Is email feedback a waste of time?

Teacher chat on social media is at its best when there is healthy discussion around how best we can do our job, grounded in mutual respect. That doesn’t mean an echo-chamber in which we all congratulate each other on what a marvellous job we’re doing, rather that there is a discourse which pushes our thinking,Continue reading “Is email feedback a waste of time?”

Feedback should improve the teacher, not the lesson

A challenge that sometimes presents itself when giving feedback to students is that their work is already of a pretty high standard, and it feels like we’re really nitpicking with our improvement points. The reality is that what they’ve produced is probably already near the top of the mark bands, and one or two smallContinue reading “Feedback should improve the teacher, not the lesson”

Diary of a Coach in training part 3: What does expert coaching look like?

I’ve been an instructional coach for nearly four years now; while I certainly don’t think I’ve got it cracked yet and would not consider myself an expert, I think I’ve learned a huge amount since starting and want to share some of those reflection here. I’ve written previously about this here and here where I’veContinue reading “Diary of a Coach in training part 3: What does expert coaching look like?”

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